Switzerland remains in the top tier of financial regulation meta-index
The Swiss financial centre more than lives up to its strong international reputation when it comes to regulatory matters. This has been confirmed by the latest edition of the Swiss Finance Institute's regulatory index, which compares 31 global leading financial centres.
The updated 2022 SFI Public Discussion Note on the GFRTCI shows clear shifts in the country rankings, the EU having caught up with regard to its implementation of the Basel III framework. Switzerland remains in the top tier.
Financial regulation, transparency, and compliance continue to be major aspects in the analysis of a financial center's reputation and attractiveness. Against this background, SFI has established a comprehensive regulation index over the last three years. The Index is a simple and understandable ranking of the extent to which individual countries adopt, comply with, and enforce a set of global standards.
Switzerland in 7th place
The updated, 2022 GFRTCI is based on the same framework, index components, and component weights as previous editions, and therefore documents the changes that have taken place since 2020. In this year's index, Switzerland sits in 7th place (1st place in 2020 and 4th place in 2021), behind Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, and France. The United Kingdom suffered the largest decline in its ranking, from 6th place in 2021 to 15th place in 2022.
More information: pdn-gfrtci-en-web-2022.pdf (sfi.ch)
Please also note what the author of the study, Professor Alfred Mettler, and the CEO of the Swiss Bankers Association, Jörg Gasser, have to say about the latest regulatory ranking in the podcast (in German only): «Es ist entscheidend, ob man im oberen Drittel oder im unteren Drittel ist» - News - News & Positionen - SwissBanking